
About Mightora.io

Welcome to Mightora.io! We provide a range of free connectors for the Power Platform community. Our mission is to empower developers and citizen developers alike by offering powerful automation tools that are available for everyone to use.

Our Connectors

We offer a variety of connectors designed to simplify and enhance your automation capabilities. Whether you’re looking to calculate working days, validate email domains, or integrate with external APIs, our connectors are built to support your needs.

Why Use Our Connectors?

  • Completely Free: All our connectors are provided at no cost to help the community build powerful automation solutions without financial barriers.
  • Boost Productivity: Save time and effort by automating repetitive tasks and integrating multiple systems seamlessly.
  • Empower Others: Use our tools to help other developers and teams achieve more with less manual work.


In addition to our connectors, we also maintain a blog at techtweedie.github.io. Here, we share insights, tutorials, and updates about automation, development, and our ongoing projects. Be sure to check it out for the latest information and tips on making the most of our tools.


Legal Notice

For legal purposes, please note that Mightora is a trading name of Tweed Technology Limited, and Tweed Technology accepts all risks and liabilities associated with the use of these connectors.

Contribute and Collaborate

We believe in the power of collaboration and community-driven development. If you have suggestions, ideas, or would like to contribute, feel free to reach out to us. Together, we can continue to build and improve these tools for everyone’s benefit.

Explore our connectors, start building, and let’s create amazing automation experiences together!


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